Africa International

The word of God is the foundation of our faith. The better we know the Bible, the greater our faith.

Dr. Roger Dickson and his wife Martha are dedicated servants of the Lord’s church working with the World Gospel Mission (WGM) as part of their organization, Africa International. The WGM is a partnership of faithful Christians throughout the world who seek to preach the gospel to their friends, communities, and nations of residence. The WGM prints the World Gospel Book (WGB) and distributes it throughout the world. The WGB is a study aid created to help developing societies access and comprehend the gospel. Through international distribution of the WGB, millions of people throughout the world have heard and obeyed the gospel.

Recognizing the important role of technology in our world, Africa International has also formed the Africa International Digital Mission Team. The goal of this effort is to give the gospel to as many people as possible by utilizing the internet. Free access to the WGB and the International KJV Bible are available on the Africa International website. In addition, other resources including Roger Dickson’s research library, Bible teaching materials and complete Biblical commentaries are also available for free.

Learn more about Africa International and the World Gospel Mission.

Africa International Missions
Dr. Roger Dickson
P.O. Box 1919, Bellville 7535, South Africa
2500 N. Plum St., Hutchinson, KS 67502, USA